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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Walking the line: ethical and legal issues in Internet research
Author Klemm, P., Nolan, M.
Source Nursing Spectrum, 10, 22, pp. 26-7
Year 2000
Database EBSCOhost
Access date 23.07.2004
Abstract The number of Internet support group (ISGs) has grown exponentially in recent years, providing a wealth of opportunity for ISG research. A researcher could develop a questionnaire and measure ISG participants’ satisfaction with the group by posting it on the website for participants to complete. Another approach might be to review messages posted on an ISG and describe the type and accuracy of information exchanged. Before planning either of these, however, researchers should consider the ethical and legal issues.
Access/Direct link EBSCOhost (full text); Homepage - magazine (full text)
Year of publication2000
Bibliographic typeMagazine article

Web survey bibliography (4086)
